Be Inspired.

Wine Talks with Angelo Morando of Cantine Ermes

The story of Cantine Ermes Società Cooperativa Agricola, which has now become a multi-regional reality, began in Sicily, in the Belìce Valley, in July 1998.
Between Santa Ninfa and Gibellina, villages that had been severely affected by the 1968 earthquake, nine courageous winegrowers decided to join forces and share a dream: an innovative, dynamic, world-oriented winery. Today, 23 years after it was founded, Cantine Ermes has 2,373 members and 12,648 hectares of vineyards in three Italian regions of great importance in terms of wine production: Sicily Puglia and Veneto. 2373 vine growers who believe in the skills, experience and sense of responsibility of Cantine Ermes and who, over time, have chosen to be part of this large cooperative.