Truly a non-alcoholic wine that has character. Meet the co-inventor Marco Marano.

Walking the aisles of the Fancy Food Show in Las Vegas earlier this year, a gentleman stuck a sparkling wine glass in my face and said “Do you like wine?” I responded, “Is this a joke?” He went on to tell me that this was an Italian...
Walking the aisles of the Fancy Food Show in Las Vegas earlier this year, a gentleman stuck a sparkling wine glass in my face and said “Do you like wine?” I responded, “Is this a joke?” He went on to tell me that this was an Italian non-alcoholic sparkling wine that he and his wife had created. I have tasted many non-alcoholic wines and they all suck. With trepidation, I tasted it. This was a decent wine. I was shocked and impressed. Come on my show I said…turns out he is in So Cal and I met Marco Marano.