Be Inspired.
Sept. 9, 2023

They don't make them like Melvyn anymore. Hear Melvyn Master in his own words.

They don't make them like Melvyn anymore. Hear Melvyn Master in his own words.

If you want to know ground zero information about this business. Listen to this.

Melvyn and Janie Master were my heroes. Their life together was a pure love affair. In recent years, when they would come to LA to hang, Melvyn would insist on dinner together and each of these encounters sollidified this magical relationship. And why shouldn't be that way, their story together covers all the gamets of life; start out with nothing, take a few risks, end up with nothing and go again. And as they navigated two of the most difficult of industries (restaurants and wine), they became synonomous with both.  Always giving of his contacts and friends, I will always charish these two with fond recollection.



Experience is everything in most industries. Coming back from rock bottom is a critically important experience… as is garnering understanding of the industries that surround your particular industry. It all comes together to create “educated guesses” when trying to determine your next step. Meet Melvin Masters who is all that and more.