He has made wine all over the world and has settled at Stags Leap in the Napa Valley. Meet Ludovic Dervin.

Ludovic Devrin was born in Champagne...so the question has to be asked...why did you land in the Napa Valley. Seems the romance of the famed bubbly beverage would keep pon close to home but Ludovic wanted to see the world. Though he did get his degree...
Ludovic Devrin was born in Champagne...so the question has to be asked...why did you land in the Napa Valley. Seems the romance of the famed bubbly beverage would keep pon close to home but Ludovic wanted to see the world. Though he did get his degree at the University of Reins (in the Champagne region) he has made wine in France, South Africa, Greece, and now California. His curiosity to explore the New World versus Old World winemaking techniques and philosophies, groomed him perfectly to coax out of the soil some of the great wines of Stags Leap Winery.
The smallest appellation in Napa can create some of the biggest wines and it is Ludo's (that's what they call him around the vineyard) job to keep the sense of place in tact as he carves the brand recognition of this famed winery.
Have a listen to Ludovic Dervin.