Counterfeit wine is real (real fake!). Meet the pre-eminent authority, Maureen Downey.

We all know the story of Rudy Kurniawan, the famed subject of the movie "Sour Grapes" and the most publicized of wine counterfeiters. When the FBI needed help in understanding what otherwise was, according to the FBI, "non-consequential", they turned...
We all know the story of Rudy Kurniawan, the famed subject of the movie "Sour Grapes" and the most publicized of wine counterfeiters. When the FBI needed help in understanding what otherwise was, according to the FBI, "non-consequential", they turned to Maureen for counsel.
Maureen Downey has carved a niche around what is now a growing industry of counterfeit wine. The stories are endless and the creativity of the people who counterfeit wine can only be out played by the people who sleuth them. Maureen is the best sleuth in the business.
If you can believe it, the problem has been exacerbated to the point where they are counterfeiting Yellow Tail, a $7.99 retail wine. This seems to be an unlikely target, but who is going to notice that a below average, sugared-up wine is going to be counterfeit?
This is part one to the series with Maureen...we didnt even get to our solution section of the problem.
Have a listen.